high fidelity
wraparoundAccording to the National Wraparound Initiative, “Wraparound differs from many service delivery strategies, in that it provides a comprehensive, holistic, youth and family-driven way of responding when children or youth [or young adults] experience serious mental health or behavioral challenges. Wraparound puts the child or youth [or young adult] and family at the center. With support from a team of professionals and natural supports, the family’s ideas and perspectives about what they need and what will be helpful drive all of the work in Wraparound.
The young person and their family members work with a Wraparound facilitator [Care Coordinator] to build their Wraparound team, which can include the family’s friends and people from the wider community, as well as providers of services and supports.
With the help of the team, the family and young person take the lead in deciding team vision and goals, and in developing creative and individualized services and supports that will help them achieve the goals and vision. Team members work together to put the plan into action, monitor how well it’s working, and change it as needed.”
System of Care Across Tennessee (SOCAT) currently offers care coordination using a wraparound approach for young children, children, youth, and young adults and their families. SOCAT serves those with the highest needs through a high fidelity wraparound process. Wraparound is a planning process that follows a series of steps to help children and their families realize their hopes and dreams. The wraparound process also helps make sure children and youth grow up in their homes and communities. It is a planning process that brings people together from different parts of the whole family’s life. With help from one or more facilitators, people form the family’s life work together, coordinate activities, and blend their perspective of the family’s situation. The wraparound process is individualized to the strengths and needs of the children and their family and allows for children and family voice and choice in the process. Wraparound is culturally and linguistically competent and is community-based.