Our goal is to ensure that children, youth, young adults, and families in Tennessee receive services and supports that are
Our Vision

To ensure Tennessee families have access to community-based services for children, youth and young adults with mental, emotional, and behavioral health needs that is coordinated across systems, individualized to a family’s unique needs, strengths, and culture, and where the families are the primary decision makers in the care of their children.
About Us
Our Approach

System of Care Across Tennessee (SOCAT) builds on two decades of System of Care experience and focuses on young children, children, youth, and young adults, and their families. SOCAT utilizes the System of Care values and principles while empowering Tennessee families to work together with child-serving agencies as partners to guide their care.

- Provide and enhance evidence-based services and supports to children, youth, and young adults ages 0-21 with serious emotional disturbances, those with early signs and symptoms of serious mental illness, including first episode psychosis, and their families to ensure long-term health and wellness for all family members.
- Enhance services, supports, and mechanisms to ensure they are aligned to promote and sustain family participation that purposely engages and involves families in the development, implementation, and evaluation of the SOC at the state and local levels.
- Through collaboration and shared responsibility, support and strengthen governance structure/board, co-chaired by the Executive Director of the Commission on Children and Youth (TCCY) and the Commissioner of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (TDMHSAS), to be responsible for decision-making at the policy and fiscal level with the ability to provide authority and accountability for continued expansion of a statewide system of care for children’s mental health.
- Develop and expand collaborative partnerships focused on expanding SOC throughout Tennessee by creating and cultivating champions across child-serving agencies and critical community-based partners.
- Serve as a centralized resource providing a network of training, continuing education, and evidence-based information to children, youth, young adults, families, providers, and community stakeholders, fostering healthy, resilient, and collaborative communities.