Peer Support
Certified Peer Support Programs

Peer support is provided by trained individuals who have lived experience of mental illness and/or substance use disorder.
Certified Family Support Specialist (CFSS)

Self-identify as being or having been the birth parent, adoptive parent, foster parent, or authorized caregiver of a child or youth with an emotional, behavioral, mental health, substance use challenges, co-occurring disorder and/or autism spectrum disorder and who has successfully navigated the child-serving systems to access treatment and resources necessary to build resiliency and foster success in the home, school, and community.
Population Receiving Services
Children, youth, and familiesRequirements For Certification
- Prerequisite training
- FSS Competencies Training Course
- 6 months of experience of paid or volunteer work providing FSS services
- Personal statement of lived experience
- During the last 10 years, have at least 12 consecutive months in service planning, system navigation, and building resiliency for a child or youth
Length of Certification
Two yearsContinuing Education
- 30 hours of an on-going education over a two year period, averaging 15 hours per year
- 1.5 hours of ethics
- No CE in clinical treatment
- Must take TDMHSAS Title VI training
Certified Young Adult Peer Support Specialist (CYAPSS)

- Be 18 through 30 years old
- High school diploma/GED
- Lived experience with mental health, substance abuse, co-occurring disorder, and/or involvement with other systems, such as juvenile justice, foster care, homeless services, CPS, etc.
- If in recovery from substance abuse, have maintained abstinence for at least twelve months
Population Receiving Services
Youth and young adults 30 and under who have lived experience with mental health, substance obuse, co-occuring disorder, and/or involvement with other systems, such as juvenile justice, foster care, homeless services, or child protective servicesRequirements For Certification
- CYAPPS training
- 75 hours of supervised paid or volunteer work providing peer recovery services
- CYAPSS Application Part Two
- Employment/Volunteer Summary completed by supervisor
- Three character references
Length of Certification
One yearContinuing Education
- 10 hours per year
- 1 hour must be in ethics
- 1 hour must be in cultural responsiveness and/or working with diverse populations (this includes youth culture)
- No CE in clinical treatment
Certified Peer Recovery Specialist (CPRS)

- Be at least 18 years old
- High school diploma/GED
- Self-identity as a person who is in recovery from mental health, substance abuse, or co-curring disoarder
- Demonstrated self-directed recovery for a minimum of 24 months
Population Receiving Services
Peers with mental health, substance use disorder, or co-ocurring disorderRequirements For Certification
- CPRS training
- 75 hours of supervised paid or volunteer work providing peer recovery services
- CPRS Application PArt Two
- Employment/Volunteer Summary completed by supervisor
- Three professional references OR three character references
Length of Certification
Two yearsContinuing Education
- 10 hours per year
- 1 hour must be in ethics
- No CE in clinical treatment